Take a Leap of Faith
Last summer, I took a huge leap of faith; personally and professionally right around the time I recorded this podcast interview with Brad Walsh. For months, I was getting a message to, "let go of my home" with no real plan, no real destination, and no real money to give myself a lot of options. But I could not deny this message that was deeply embedded in my body and humming all through me.
I had to listen to my intuition and take action.
It's been 6 months since I have lived this nOMadic life again and I am so grateful I trusted and listened to that inner voice.
This time has given me the opportunity to deepen my commitment to what really matters most to me, and let go of the things that were weighing me down like the old stories of worrying I would not have enough or that I would be alright. Every time I let go of a worry, the universe stepped in with a gift of being in the right place at the right time.
There have also been tons of challenging moments that I did not expect; getting Covid for the first time, dealing with a possible surgery, restructuring my company, and other unexpected adventures in my private life.
But every day, I stayed steady and did not let the stress consume me. I had to conserve my energy and ask, "What is necessary for me to show up today?"
Then, I asked if it was aligned with my WHY, my purpose, and my gifts that are able to give back to others and support their visions. From that, I was divinely guided with the exact amount of resources to live in alignment for that day.
So I leaned in more with unwavering trust.
Building trust in ourselves is a step-by-step process. Every day is an opportunity to ask, "What is message is here for me today?"
If you have been on the edge of your own cliff, hearing a voice inside telling you to jump, let's do a check in and ask some questions:
What is the voice saying?
What does it sound like? Is it steady, calm, grounded, clear... Usually when we are listening closely to this voice in our heart space it is short, clear, concise, and to the point with conviction and confidence. If it is fluttery, offers too many options, feels fidgety, that is usually the mind playing tricks.
When you are ready to jump, you don't need to see the whole picture, just the next step. Is there a clear and easy next step?
What can you commit to as your anchor when you leap? For me, it was my commitment to nOMad and to stay unwavering steady through it all. I had done too much work the last ten years to throw that all away and it served more than just me, but a community.
What is necessary and how can you do just that? Some things you will have to let go of (and probably the hardest part, but most rewarding of the journey). The good news is, as soon as you let go, you are FREE!
Wherever you are now, keep going!
If you want to take a bigger leap with me, consider attending a retreat with me in Mexico or working with me as your mentor. REPLY to this email to learn more.
Wherever you roam, I am grateful you chose to be here today.
With grace,
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