Podcast #178

Epi #178: What Cancer Has Taught Me in The Space in Between

In this episode of "The Space In Between," Phoebe, the founder of The nOMad Collective, shares her personal journey of being diagnosed with breast cancer and the lessons she has learned from the experience. She discusses the importance of self-compassion, surrender, and letting go of control while navigating life's challenges. 

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Amanda Trevelino is Transforming the World

Dear friend, 

I’m writing to you from an overcrowded bus on its way to the central province of Zambia. Outside my window the sun is rising red-orange; soon to be baking the land in the village where I’ll learn experientially about water conservation and what it means to be interconnected. A homestay in a place far from electricity and running water may not be luxurious, but it is a privilege. I’m grateful to share in family meals and be included in community. 

Authenticity lights me up. So…

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